Andrey Litvinov


Andrey Litvinov
  • Moscow University of International Relations
  • 2004-present - Director of KALITA-FINANCE s.r.o., Prague
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World Bank on Gold Outlook in 2021-2022
At the beginning of 2021, the gold market was in a downtrend. The World Bank predicts the continuation of this yellow metal quotation trend during 2021-2022.
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No compression in the silver market in the near future
Two months have passed since private investors, participants in specialized forums on the Reddit social network, boosted the stock prices of GameStop and other companies to sky-high heights through coordinated purchases. The excitement during this time is verse, and the indicators returned to normal.
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The Royal Mint of Great Britain presented a giant gold coin
The Royal Mint of Great Britain issued a huge gold coin dedicated to the Queen's Beasts series. This is the largest coin in 1,100 years of Mint history.
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