Silver coin of Mongolia "Magnificent argali" 2022, 31.1 gr., fine silver (0.999 fineness)
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The silver coin issued by the Mongolian bank is dedicated to the mountain archar. Very large cloven-hoofed, which reaches one and a half meters in height and is adapted to extreme conditions. Thanks to their thick wool, these mountain rams can easily tolerate sub-zero temperatures. And their ability to climb mountain ranges and climb for food up to 5800 meters above sea level makes them unique. Male archars have very large, spiral-shaped horns, which they use to attract females and as a formidable weapon in conflict situations with their tribesmen. It is such an archar that is depicted on a silver coin with incredible detail and drawing all the details on the face of the animal, such as eyebrows, eyes, folds on the skin and, of course, large horns, which makes the image very realistic.